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What makes WORD special?

We are awesome

World Class Educatoin for Everyone

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Tailored Lessons

All our students receive personalized tutoring which helps build a strong base and work on complex concepts simultaneously

Student-led Approach

we understand that every child learns in a different way and so we make sure that our students never feel overwhelmed with any subject


Modern pedagogy

We support our students with teaching techniques based upon modern research. Our approach is grounded in modern educational methodologies incorporating evidence-based strategies that align with current advancements in cognitive science and learning psychology.

Mental health

We firmly believe that a happy mind is a sharp mind. Therefore, we are dedicated to ensuring the holistic well-being of our students, addressing not only their physical needs but also prioritizing their mental and emotional health. This commitment is reflected in our regular meetings with parents/guardians, emotional check-ins with students, and reflective exercises aimed at fostering emotional intelligence and resilience.
